1- quest start is in black castle.astrologer quest mob near ent.(recieve:soulbound scroll) first time you do quest need to be done in order on scroll.after first time can be done in any order.
2-kronys dream: go to mutants and visit kronys assisstant located at the end of lab.quest requires you to collect 8 caged crocs(dropped by giant crocs in creek south of ES).when done return to assisstant on mutants and turn in(reward kronys dream)
3-werewolves dream: quest mob located in tomb square #9424. take quest(collect 1 antiseptic).return antiseptic to quest mob(reward werewolves dream)
4-totems dream:quest mob located in jungle.quest requires you to collect flame heart(kill flame elementals in flame river).return heart to quest mob(reward totems dream).
5-centaurs dream:go to cents and talk to quest mob near sw area.quest requires you to kill demogorogon in demons web and collect head(soulbound)return head to quest mob on cents(reward centaurs dream).
6-spirits dream: go to styx square# 9891 take quest.need to give quest mob a golden branch(reward spirits dream).
7-dockers dream: quest mob is in twilight bay square#4855.quest requires you to deliver "goods" to sailor lee in port zarijham(sw of ark).when delivered will get stone(reward dockers dream)
8-warlocks dream:quest mob is in forest spring(n of dark forest). need to bring him a 3rd rune(rward warlocks dream).
9-hangmans dream:quest mob is in prison(top lvl east side).requires you to go to puppets and kill malniva doll and collect teddy bear.return teddy bear to quest mob(reward hangmans dream).
10-gustavs dream:gustav in undeads village.requires you to take his heart and hand to the witch in puppets (reward gustavs dream).
11-witch dream:quest mob in puppets.requires you to go to citidel of evil an d kill malicious warlock and collect scroll.return to witch(reward witch dream).
12-priest dream:quest mob in temple of the snake(upper part with cobras).requires you to go to poison brook and kill 5 snake charmers.return to temple of snake(reward priest dream).
13-stargazers dream:go back to black castle and talk to starting quest mob.requires you to kill black sovereign.return to quest mob(reward stargazers dream).
14- take scroll and all 12 stones to lab and brew into 1 stone then return to quest mob in black castle(reward 5 nabataean zodiac(soulbound).